中国中西医结合专家组同上合组织国家医院新冠肺炎视频诊断会议中国中西医结合专家组同上合组织国家医院新冠肺炎视频诊断会议 01 时间: 北京时间(GMT +8)5月9日 周六 15:00~18:00 02 议程: 1.俄中友协主席助理、圣彼得堡国立经济大学人文学院院长 安德烈·普鲁茨基赫视频致辞 Welcome speech video given by Andre Proutskikh, Assistant to the President of China-Russia Friendship Association, Dean of the College of Humanities of St. Petersburg State University of Economics 2.中国中医科学院副院长杨龙会致辞 Welcome speech given by Prof. Yang Longhui, Vice President of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences 3.上合组织睦邻友好合作委员会秘书长郑薇致辞 Welcome speech given by Ms. Zheng Wei, Secretary General, of GNFCC SCO 4.张伯礼院士报告 Report given by Academician Zhang Boli 5.仝小林院士报告 Report given by Academician Tong Xiaolin 6.上合组织国家医院介绍本国新冠肺炎基本情况,提问及临床病例分析 Reports and cases analysis of SCO member states, observers and dialogue partners 7.自由提问讨论环节 Free discussion 8.世界针灸学会联合会主席刘保延总结发言 Summary by Prof. Liu Baoyan, President of WFAS 03 会议介绍: 在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情全球大流行的形势下,世界针灸学会联合会与上合组织睦邻友好合作委员会共同举办中国中西医结合专家组同上合组织国家医院新冠肺炎视频诊断会议,旨在为上合组织各成员国积极应对新型冠状肺炎疫情防控提供中西医结合方案和建议。会议邀请张伯礼、仝小林、刘保延等抗疫专家做报告,并结合各国参会代表介绍的情况进行临床病例分析。 To fight the pandemic of Covid-19, the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) and the GNFCC SCO will organize jointly Video Diagnostic Conference with Experts on the Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine between China and the SCO member states, observers, and dialogue partners, aimed to actively respond to the prevention and control of Covid-19 by integration of Chinese and Western medicine. We will invite 3 experts, including Zhang Boli, Tong Xiaolin, and Liu baoyan to make reports and conduct a clinical case analysis in conjunction with the presentation by participants of hospitals from SCO member states observers, and dialogue partners. 04 连线嘉宾: 张伯礼,中国新冠肺炎中央指导组专家、武汉江夏方舱医院名誉院长、中国工程院院士、天津中医药大学校长、中国中医科学院名誉院长 Zhang Boli, Expert of Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Principle of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honorary Dean of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Honorary Dean of Jiangxia Hospital 仝小林,中国新冠肺炎中央指导组专家、国家中医药管理局医疗救治专家组组长、中国科学院院士 Tong Xiaolin, Expert of Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, Leader of the Medical Treatment Expert Group of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences 刘保延,国际欧亚科学院院士、中国中医科学院首席研究员、世界针灸学会联合会主席、中国针灸学会会长、世界卫生组织传统医学顾问 Liu Baoyan, Academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher of CACMS, President of WFAS & CAAM, Consultant of TCM of World Health Organization