

由世界针灸学会联合会、中华中医药学会、中国针灸学会主办的「国际抗疫专家大讲堂系列讲座」第四讲,我们邀请到了国家卫健委新冠肺炎专家组成员、中国中医科学院广安门医院呼吸科主任李光熙举行英文专场,以“治疗要点——预防急性肺损伤(Preventing Acute Lung Injury-Essentials of Treatment)”为题。为发挥世界针联的多语种优势,本场讲座还特别开通了中英双语通道,得到了来自20多个国家的2867人参与。在答疑环节,李光熙教授解答了国内外医生关切的问题,汇总如下:

Q1-Dr. Deng(Medical Director of the BendheimIntegrative Medicine Center at MSKCC): What are the criteria specifically for initiating IPPV (Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation)?


Dr. Li : Depends on the patient’s saturation, according to our experience, once a patient basically gets a good saturation with a high flow of nasal oxygen support, that’s very important. Usually we give the patients about 65% or 70% FiO2, the device is high nasal flow of oxygen support. But if it still did not work, after three hours, the patient is still in bad situation, never reach 93%. Also the patient usually has a very strong cough, as you know, plus the fever. We must consider to interfere the patient as early as possible. We need to pay attention to the frequency of cough when the patient rests. I believe this is strong indicator for using ventilation. After strong cough, patients usually have very bad saturation, usually maybe decrease to 75% even.


Q2-Dr. Deng: The second question is because in the United States, there is a shortage of hospital beds, so a lot of patients has mild symptoms, were discharged to home for quarantine, even though when they have symptoms, such as low grade fever, some cough, some fatigue. You mentioned the key factors are to watch for high fever, dry cough and dyspnea. Unfortunately a lot people do not have the ability to monitor their ox-meter at home. So when you say high fever, is there any specific number? 38, 39 or 39,5 degree Celsius, anything like that?


Dr. Li: Yes, so the criteria for high fever is more than 39 Celsius, which is verybad. That’s because of disease is usually like that—on the first 1 or second day,patients only have low degree fever, for example it’s usually less than

38.3 Celsius, but maybe after 3 to 5 days, the fever suddenly goes up. The temperature can beup more than 39.5 Celsius. So this stage is very dangerous. During that stage we need (to treat) the patient as early as possible. In China, most patients have the ox meter, maybe in New York they don’t have. In that case, you need to ask the patients to watch how much they can walk? How much distance they walk? And how is the movement? How is the activity related with cough? This correlation it’s usually tightly correlated, the patients usually walk, and then they cough, so that means some very strong indicator for the crucial disease.


Q3-Dr. Deng: Very few people in the United States have home-oxygen- monitoring ox-meter. There was a saying about the patients: if you can take a deep breath, and hold the breath for 5 seconds, or 10 seconds, you are alright. If you cannot hold your breath for 5 seconds or 10 seconds, you have probably desaturation or dyspnea, then you may go to the hospital. Is there any adaptability like any of that?


Dr. Li: I think that the problem is at that stage, it’s little bit late. I still think you need to ask patients to do some activities, for example, to go to the restroom, if they go to restroom, and cough will increase, that’s the dangerous sign.


Dr. Deng: That’s very helpful. To summarize high temperature of people in home quarantine is about 37.3 Celsius.


Dr. Deng: Dry cough especially when induced activities, or in short time dyspnea upon light activities, these are indications for acute phase and they should go to the hospital, are they all correct?


Dr. Li: I think so, correct.


Q4-Dr. Deng: The last question I have is about protection of medical personnel both in the intervention setting and more importantly in the regular care of the patients. I know in China, all these COVID-19 patients are coordinated into the hospital or floor. While here we are unable to do that, so patients still stay in the rooms, so they exercise

droplet precaution basically mask, face shield and very light gown. And I see in China, people wear health mask like overall from top to the bottom, from head to shoes. Do you think that kind of protection is overdo or appropriate, or should be done?


Dr.Li: I think you know regarding intervention situation is very dangerous procedure, and you must protect yourself very strictly, even though you know whereas in China, we still have physicians in Tianjin, he’s got infected right after the intervention. After intervention of 30 patients, he’s got infected. So that’s right now, probably we still need some kind of positive air, you know some of devices with mask like some small pipe machine. That’s very important for dangerous procedure like intervention bronchoscope,you need to be really careful. And you know regarding the regular people, when you do regular care of patients , you still need to wears the gowns, wear the masks, and also the face shield, to protect yourself from the droplet, and probably from the aerosol. Nobody confirm the aerosol for these patients, but I still think is very dangerous too. In China, all the nurses and physiciansin Wuhan, nobody’s got infected, it’s zero. So that means all protection is appropriate, but I’m not sure in New York and other city in the United States, what’s percentage of the infection of health worker? I think if don’t do this kind of protection, the infection rate is still high. Because right now, as we are not sure what’s kind of transmission exactly? So in that case, we need to more be prepared, that’s better than unprepared.


Q5-Dr. Deng: Thank you, I think that it’s too early to know, right now in New York and the States, we are still in the

early stage, in care of regular COVID-19 patients, not doing invasive procedures, do we need N95 mask or just a regular surgical mask, face shield and gown will be in enough?


Dr. Li:In China, a lot of physicians initially just wear like that with surgical mask,but actually quite a lot of physicians and nurses have got infected, so I think N95 is very necessary for health workers, and face shield. It’s very very very important.


Dr.Deng: Thank you. Right now there is a shortage of N95 mask, so we try to strike fight the use of them in the efficient way.


Q6-Marek Kalmus:

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